Saturday, May 06, 2006

To the Left, Jewish refugees are invisible

An article by Bradley Burston in Haaretz is the occasion for at least two commenters to lambast the Israeli Left's neglect of the Jewish refugee narrative.

"The one interesting thing that connects to the Palestinian and Israeli narratives in your article is that Sephardim and Mizrahim don't exist (in fact it has been denied by some writers in your paper). Foreigners reading this paper must think that everybody came over from Europe. When I am in America I understand this but in Israel we are still a majority of the Jewish population. To the Ashkenazi Israeli Left, we are no longer the second Israel, we are the invisible Israel.

"I am no right-winger by any stretch, and I want peace, but when Ashkenazi friends ask me why there are almost no Sephardim on the Left I tell them two things: 1) learn about our tragic history and oppression in the Arab world and 2)read what the left-wing elites write in Haaretz."

Asaf, Beersheva/NY

"I agree...Haaretz and others on the Left consistently ignore the tragedy of the Jews who were driven from Arab countries where our families had lived for centuries. I think this is the greatest failure of Israeli hasbara."

Ex-Syrian, Tel-Aviv

Read article and comments thread

1 comment:

  1. Here's an article about how Jews are trying to cope in modern day Iran:
