Friday, May 05, 2006

Point of No Return's first birthday

It has been a year since this weblog was set up with the help of Joseph Norland to document and publicise the forgotten narrative of the Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries.

I would like to thank my faithful band of readers of all creeds and nationalities for their support and encouraging comments. The number of hits has exceeded all expectations. It now stands at 8,800 - but we only started counting in August 2005!

We have a mountain to climb - discussions of the Middle East conflict often ignore this central issue, or play down the reasons for the Jewish exodus - but the Jewish refugees seem to feature more and more prominently in internet debates, and I would like to think things are slowly changing for the better.

I'd like to thank my eagle-eyed contributors Albert, Lily, Iraqijews and many others who have assiduously pointed out interesting articles, and hope they'll continue to do so in the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's no problem! I'm happy doing it. Thanks for acknowledging us.
