Friday, May 21, 2021

Morocco bans solidarity march with Palestinians

The conflict with Gaza is the first test of 'normalisation' between Morocco and Israel, the price exacted for the US's recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over western Sahara. According to Al-Araby, Morocco has banned a pro-Palestinian march at the end of this week for Covid-related reasons. But under pressure from the Moroccan 'street', the government has allowed plenty of other demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, although it initially tried to ban them. These demonstrations have demanded the revocation of 'normalisation'.  Mindful of his position as the head of the Al-Aqsa Committee, the king of Morocco has been commended for  asserting his religious authority. Morocco has also sent 20 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza. 

A group in Morocco voiced discontent with local authorities on Thursday after a march of solidarity with Palestine scheduled to take place at the end of the week was banned. 

 The 'National Action Group for Palestine' (NAGP) rejected the decision by Moroccan authorities which claimed it had banned the march to protect the community from the ongoing coronavirus health emergency. 

 "The National Action Group declares its strong rejection of the logic of authoritarianism in preventing and suppressing the right of the Moroccan people to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people, their embrace of comprehensive resistance, and their rejection of all forms of normalisation (with Israel)", the group said during a press conference.

 The group called on the authorities to reconsider the decision. "We demand the closure of the so-called Zionist liaison office in our country, the cessation of all forms of dealing with the usurping entity, and the abolition of disgraceful normalisation agreement." While Sunday's gathering was banned for Covid-related purposes, several other demonstrations have been held across the country in recent weeks.

 Read article in full

Moroccans with Palestinian flags  demonstrate in solidarity with Gaza

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