Friday, April 24, 2020

Hatred of Jews is still being taught in Muslim countries

It is heartening to learn that more and more intellectuals, such as the Moroccan Kamal Ait bin Juba, writing on the liberal website, not only recognise the tragedy of the Holocaust, but acknowledge that antisemitism is routine in Muslim countries. Via MEMRI (With thanks: Lily) 

World leaders gathered in January at Yad Vashem to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

"On January 23, 2020, a ceremony was held in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Germany [sic], where many Jews were exterminated.

The anniversary of this event becomes [especially] justified and meaningful in light of the existence of a state like Iran, which never stops threatening to wipe Israel off the map… by means of its supporters, who take every opportunity to chant slogans like ‘death to Israel, curse the Jews.’ Moreover, hatred of Jews is still being taught in many schools across the world, [including] in so-called Islamic states, some of which may even have diplomatic ties and peace agreements with the state of Israel.

 These people [the Jews] are described [in their curricula] as devils, violators of agreements, etc. "The paradox is that what is called antisemitism…  an accusation that is made against those who deny the Jewish Holocaust or disagree with the Jews about it in the West, in Europe or in the U.S., is completely routine in the Muslim countries, where hatred of Jews, learned through major ‘sacred’ texts, is a matter of consensus.

Listen to recording and read transcript


1 comment:

  1. As of 2020 Jewish Population in Arab/Muslin Countries
    Morrocco 250,000
    Algeria 140,000
    Tunisa: 50,000
    Lybia 35,000
    N.Africa 475,000
    Iraq 135,000
    Egypt 80,000
    Yemen 53,000
    Syria 30,000
    Lebanon 20,000
    Bahrain 600
    Syria 350
    Total 881,350'
    Afghanistan 5,000
    Bangladesh ?
    Iran 65,232
    Pakistan 2,500
    Turkey 80,000
    Total 282,500

    In 2020 Jewish Populations are
    Morrocco 2,150
    Algeria 50 [in 2017]
    Tunisa: 1,050
    Lybia 0
    N.Africa 3,250
    Iraq 0 {5 to 10 in 2018]
    Egypt 100
    Yemen 58
    Syria 0
    Lebanon 60
    Bahrain 37
    Syria 0
    Total 3,418
    Afghanistan 1
    Bangladesh 4
    Iran 8,500
    Pakistan 900
    Turkey 17,300
    Total 24,405

    This statiscts show that the Jewish Communites in Arab.Muslin worlds are dying.
    There only hope of survivl is going up to Israel

    Note UI had to deleate a pervious version of these numbers as they came out too crowded together,
