Friday, December 13, 2019

Why Israel is submitting a UN Resolution on Jewish refugees

Writing in JNS News, Israel's UN ambassador Danny Danon explains why he will be putting forward a UN Resolution demanding that Jewish refugee rights be recognised. Some 172 UN resolutions deal with Palestinian refugees, not a single one to-date deals with Jewish refugees.

Though they shed their refugee status years ago, the story of this Jewish population still deserves to have its place in history and ensure its rights are recognized.

The General Assembly will not be able to ignore this resolution, as it is incumbent upon them to correct the wrong done to the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa. This resolution will be an important step to begin reframing the context when discussing the conflict.

Jewish refugees arriving in Israel from Morocco

 Too often, Israel’s founding is erroneously cited as the cause for Palestinian refugees. In truth, the real cause was the Arab decision to exact a war of extermination against the Jewish state.

Israel’s declaration of independence allowed for Palestinian Arabs to remain in its borders; indeed, those who did not flee became Israeli citizens. Recognizing the story of the Jewish refugees is to do more than just right an overdue, historical injustice. It is to change the understanding in the United Nations and the international community for why peace remains elusive.

The fundamental issue is not about land or borders; it’s about the Jewish right to sovereignty in the Land of Israel. It is whether the Muslim world can accept the presence of a Jewish state. It is about showing the world that the rising anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States has deep roots and powerful in the Middle East.

 It is time to correct the historical record in order to begin an honest conversation about the future.

Read article in full

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