Wednesday, March 23, 2016

'Jewish Nakba' demonstrators picket Zochrot parley

 Jews driven from Arab countries demonstrated outside a conference organised  on 21 and 22 March by Zochrot, which claims to fight for Palestinian rights.

 Just as Israel was rescuing the last batch of  Jews from Yemen, a hotbed of civil strife and antisemitism, the conference was getting underway in Israel calling for the mass return of Palestinian 'refugees' to Israel.

Demonstrators young and old from Jewish families 'ethnically cleansed' from Arab countries carried placards drawing attention to the 'Jewish Nakba' and handed out pamphlets about the 'real story of the 1948 war'. Some 800, 000 Jews are thought to have been driven from Arab countries by violence and persecution, many with little more than the clothes on their backs, although they were non-combatants. There are estimated to be fewer than 4, 000 Jews left in the Arab world.

Hundreds of thousands of  Palestinians left in 1948 on the urging of their leaders, who were confident of decisively defeating the newborn Israeli state.

Zochrot was holding its third international conference in three languages to promote the so-called 'right of return' for Palestinians. The NGO derives its funding from the EU and the New Israel Fund, which has donated millions of Euros to the far left. 

Jews from Arab countries have no funding and little  international support.

Dr Edy Cohen, one of the key activists in the Jewish Nakba campaign and a researcher at Bar Ilan University, commented bitterly that the Zochrot conference programme was printed on thick and glossy paper and in colour. "It turns out money buys everything, even people who betray their own  and actively promote a mendacious narrative."

Dr Cohen published an article in Ynet News to coincide with the Zochrot conference and plans a counter-conference on 15 May, Arab Nakba Day.

The Conference programme: glossy paper

1 comment:

  1. I dearly wish we stop calling our "forced" Exodus from Arab Countries "Nakba".
    Simply because it was not ... we were emancipated and that was not a "Nakba"; we moved on with our lives and that was not "Nakba ... we are better off now than we were and that is not "Nakba".

    If the other side, saw and experienced none of that and wishes to call it "Nakba", it is their lot, for what their leadership did to them (which kept them as refugees in "permanence").
