Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ezra Nawi comes from radical Iraqi tradition

Ezra Nawi, at the centre of a scandal broken by Israeli TV, is  the far-left activist who turned over Arabs selling land to Jews in the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority, leading to their torture and execution. From a family of Kurdish Jews, the notorious Nawi  belongs to a tradition of Iraqi-Jewish radicalism. Iraqi Jews were not only prominent in the Iraqi Communist party, they set up the anti-Zionist League in 1945. Many found refuge, ironically, in the Zionist state.

 Ezra Nawi...scandal

The Times of Israel reports:

"A key figure from a left-wing Israeli group was arrested at Ben-Gurion airport on Monday as he tried to leave the country, days after being filmed in a television investigation that has rocked the halls of power.

Ezra Nawi, a Jewish far-left activist from the Ta’ayush group, is reportedly suspected of conspiracy to commit a crime. 

Nawi, a prominent campaigner for Palestinian rights, featured in a television investigation last week in which he was recorded saying that he helps Palestinian authorities find and kill Palestinians who sell land to Jews."

 Read article in full

 Steve Plaut gives some background to Nawi's activities on his blog:

"The "star" of the story is a leftist extremist named Ezra Nawi, who has become something of a poster boy for the radical Left.  "Nawi" is a well-known and ordinarily distinguished surname among Jews who came from Iraq.  Most of these are patriotic Zionists, but a small minority of them were communists back in Iraq in the 1940s/1950s and have remained such.  A few of these Iraqi Jews continue to embrace communism, like the radical anti-Zionist sociologist from Tel Aviv University, Yehouda Shenhav

"Nawi famously was convicted of pedophilia and rape of a minor boy some years ago.  Later he was also convicted of violently attacking police as part of a riot of violent Palestinians he helped lead.  He speaks Arabic and likes to dress as an Arab.  He is active in small far-leftist anti-Israel NGOs operating in Israel that pretend to be "human rights groups," including B'tselem and Taayoush.  These are foreign-funded subversive groups that have never heard of any human right for Jews worthy of being defended and certainly not the right of self-defense against genocidal terror and Islamofascist aggression.  They are also notoriously indifferent to violations of free speech rights of anyone not from the far Left."

Read blogpost in full


  1. I read he was convicted of statutory rape on a boy in 1992.

  2. If he hates Israel so much, then why did he bother making Aliyah in the first place? I'd urge him to go back to Iraq where he belongs.

  3. I think he was actually born in Israel. His Kurdish parents had no choice but to flee antisemitism in Iraq in the early 50s. The whole community left for Israel.

  4. His sordid personal history -- the statutory rape conviction and the violent assault of police at an ostensibly pro-Palestinian protest reek of a serious personality disorder that found a means of "validation" and support.

  5. He is said to have received payments from foreign-funded "NGOs" such breaking the silence, btselem, NIF, etc
