Thursday, June 25, 2015

BBC tells Libyan Jewish refugee's story

 With thanks: JIMENA

It's progress of sorts: the BBC has decided to show both sides of the story in its examination of the repercussions of the Six-Day War.

This World Service Witness programme (10 minutes - downloadable MP3) tells the story of Liliana Serour, a 19-year Libyan Jew now living in Israel. In June 1967,  she was caught up in terrifying riots in Tripoli. Crowds screamed 'kill the Jews'. "You could see the hatred in their eyes,"says Liliana. The family received threatening 'phone calls 20 times a day. Her father's high-level contacts with the government could not save them.

Despite the BBC's valiant efforts to show balance, the equivalence between a Palestinian Arab 'refugee' and a Jewish refugee from Libya collapses: Israel soldiers allowed the Palestinian family to move back to Jerusalem, while Liliana's family, together with some 4, 000 others, was forced out of Libya for good, because the government could not assure their safety. Today there are no Jews in Libya.

Gina Waldman: I escaped with my life


  1. Speaking of Libyan refugees, the Minister holding the Senior citizen portefeuille previously held by Shimon Ohayon is now Gila Gamliel, herself from a Libyan Jewish family.

    It would be smart to contact her at this point to find out if she has the Jewish refugees dossier as well or where it is. Perhaps Levana Zamir can do that as soon as possible.

  2. If it is still with Israel Betenu,it would be a good idea to contact Orly Levy-Abecassis to inquire about its status now that IB is out of the government coalittion.

  3. I think Levana is on the case

  4. While you're here, what's with this nut David "Flatbush" Shasha?
    What did you do to him?

    It is always dangerous for Arab Jews to attack other Arab Jews who represent the Zionist consensus in the community. We have institutions like JJAC, JIMENA, and HARIF led by blowhards like the odious Lyn Julius who use their well-funded HASBARAH bully pulpit and a toxic social media network in order to vilify those who speak truth to power.

  5. :)

    "As for Shasha's smear that the three resource-starved organisations named above, who have struggled for years for public attention, are 'fronts' for the Israeli government, Stan Urman of JJAC told Point of No Return:

    "JJAC generally, and me personally, have been vitriolically attacked by David. We must be doing something right!"

    For Gina Waldman of JIMENA, 'there would be no greater honor".

    Lyn Julius of Harif found the idea hilarious: "I never laughed so hard in my life," she said."

  6. Lucky you, you're in excellent company, because he also smeared ... Nahmanides!

    Maybe someone should get a perch on Google groups to teach him a thing or two.

    Lesson One:
    Leftist ideology and Sephardic philosophy are antithetic.

  7. The "Left" today is mostly a farce. Most of the "Left" is a manipulated body of public opinion and ends up serving major governments and is funded by them. This obviously includes Israeli bodies funded by the EU and/or EU member states and their subsidiary "civil society" organizations [churches, trade unions, do-gooders of various stripes] and/or by powerful, wealthy American institutions like the Ford Foundation.

    But even the Old Left was Judeophobic in that it was grounded theoretically, for the most part, in German philosophy [Kant, Hegel etc. and the Frenchman Voltaire, who spent much time in Germany]. Kant and Hegel saw the Orient as incapable of progress and Jews as such as not only Orientals incapable of Progress, but as the most inferior of Orientals. So the Old Left, insofar as it was grounded in German philosophy, had to look down on Jews and want to see them disappear.

  8. See these links for info about how the Ford Foundation funds anti-Israeli activity by so-called "leftists."

  9. I am not talking about that, Elyahu, but rather in terms of Jewish thought, and within an exclusively Jewish context. Leftism/socialism/progressivism rests on individualism (think enlightenment) while Sephardic Judaism concerns itself with the collective. Sorry for the telegraphic style.
