Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pro-Jewish Iraqi Muslim was almost kidnapped

Point of No Return exclusive

Nabil Al-Hudairi (pictured), the Iraqi Muslim who stood up for the rights of Iraqi Jews at a conference on religions held last year in Suleymaniya, Kurdistan, narrowly avoided being kidnapped.

During the conference, he was told that a car had been sent to meet him, escorted by some 20 men. A friend advised him not to get into it.

Although Kurdistan is nominally autonomous, agents of the Iranian regime are known to operate there. They abduct 'undesirables' and whisk them over the border into Iran.

One such case is Mawlud Afand, editor of the Israel-Kurd magazine. He disappeared on 8 June 2012 and has not been seen since.
Attending the first ever conference to be held on religions since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Nabil al-Hadairi managed to write three articles of the Conference communique, stating the importance of correcting the Constitution by recognising Judaism as an official religion alongside Islam, Christianity and others.

 He rallied support from President Jalal Talabani and the president of Iraqi-Kurdistan, Masood Barazani, to legislate a law of citizenship in Iraq to enable the Jews to regain Iraqi nationality and reward them with parliamentary seats proportional to their actual size.

Al-Hadairi also wrote a clause recognizing the rights of Jews to Iraqi nationality and including the right of Iraqi Jews to return. Another clause recognises the crime of displacement and its effects as well as the need to maintain and not tamper with Iraq's Jewish heritage.

The Redacted Iraqi Jews (Gatestone Institute)

The clock cannot simply be turned back for Iraq's Jews (Jewish Chronicle)

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