Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wishing SHANA TOVA to all our readers

The secret's out! Even the most orthodox of Ashkenazi Jews are discovering that the Sephardi celebration of the Jewish New Year (which starts tomorrow evening) is much more colourful and exciting than theirs. While Ashkenazim simply eat apples dipped in honey, Sephardim have a whole range of different foods to eat and blessings to recite - an entire Seder to rival that of Passover.

The video above describes a Moroccan tradition, but customs do vary all over the Sephardi and Mizrahi world.

Whatever it is you do to celebrate, Point of No Return would like to wish our visitors and loyal band of readers SHANA TOVA U'METOOKA - A Good and Sweet New Year.


  1. with sincere thanks
    suzy vidal

  2. In Israel all ashkenazim I know do it like this.
