Friday, August 29, 2008

'Most Iranians would support Israeli strike'

Menashe Amir, the voice of Israel in Iran (Photo: CBC News)

Most Iranians hate their fundamentalist Islamic regime so deeply that they would support an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities - Menashe Amir, who runs a Farsi programme on Israel radio, tells Terry Milewski of CBC News.

"Of course, nobody is bombing Iran, yet. But Israel is creeping inexorably to a decision - and many experts say time is running out. In one or two years, they say, an Iranian nuclear device may be ready and it will be too late to stop it. Israel's new F16s — called F16Is — have been fitted with bigger fuel tanks to increase their range and Israeli missile defences are being upgraded.

"What to do to avert this nightmare? Many governments — including those of Israel, the U.S. and Canada — take this question to Menashe Amir.

"Amir is the voice of Israel in Iran — but he's much more than that. Governments call for his advice because, on Israel's state-run radio, he's been broadcasting daily to Iran, in Farsi, for 48 years. He's been at it ever since he immigrated to Israel from Iran and, for the past 15 years, he's also been hosting a fascinating Sunday call-in show. It's a kind of an Iranian version of the CBC Radio program Cross-Country Checkup, with a twist: it's broadcast from outside the country.

"Iranians can call a number in Germany, so that they're not seen to be calling the "Zionist entity," and they're rerouted to Amir's studio, where they can vent. Once you understand what they're saying, it's a revelation.

"Amir's Iranian callers don't just condemn their own government. They pour out their admiration for democracy, for America — even for Israel. On a recent show, the first caller had this to say: "Long live the people of Israel, who have so much freedom and democracy that they can prosecute their prime minister."

Actually, Ehud Olmert hasn't been prosecuted yet. But it could happen. And Iranians aren't shy about applauding Israel's democracy — or lamenting Iran's lack of it. One pleads, "Come and help us overthrow this regime." Another asks, "Why do we need an atomic bomb? For what?"

"In an interview with CBC News, Amir said the West has failed to understand the Iranian threat. He believes the regime is opposed by most Iranians but is consumed by an apocalyptic vision: the triumph of Shia Islam [also known as Shiite] over the world.

Western governments, he says, don't see that, for the Iranian mullahs, the destruction of the Jewish state is just a step along the way. Everyone knows that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, called for Israel to be wiped off the map. But Amir points out, "On the same day, in the same speech that Ahmadinejad called for wiping off Israel from the map, he added that the destruction of Israel is the first step of our final confrontation with western civilization."

"Amir says the regime dreams of a new caliphate — an Islamic empire spanning the globe. He adds, "I want to tell you one more thing that the western countries don't understand or don't take it serious — and that's the item of the Mahdi, the Shiite Messiah. And they believe that once the Mahdi comes, the whole universe will convert to Shiite Islam."

"What scares Israelis even more is that this fundamentalist world view is married to high technology. Iran recently sent a rocket into space to mark the birthday of the Mahdi — a 9th century imam known to Shias as the "last imam." When Iranian TV covered the launch, the reporter didn't forget to add the obligatory phrase when mentioning the Madhi: "May Allah hasten his return."

"Amir says the rocket sent a message. "They have the money, the missiles, they are seeking to have the nuclear bomb and the life of humankind is not important for them. I want to mention what Rahim Safavy, who was the chief commander of the revolutionary guards in Iran, said a few days ago: 'We shall win and you, the westerners, shall lose because we gave 200,000 victims, martyrs, in eight years of war with Iraq and we have 300,000 disabled and injured in this war — and we don't care about it. But you, the westerners, are afraid to give 4,000 or 5,000 thousand victims and casualties, so the final victory will be ours.' "

"But Amir says the Iranian people don't share the regime's messianic vision. He says most would support an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and even rise up against the regime.

"Iranians are totally a different nation — a peaceful, polite, moderate people who want a good life, who adore the United States, who respect Canada, who like western music … But the regime in Iran doesn't feel like they're Iranians. Mostly, firstly, they think they are Shi'ite Muslims and they have to work for the sake of Islam and not for the sake of Iran — and they are sacrificing the Iranian interest for the sake of Shi'ism."

"But not everyone shares Amir's view on the fragility of Iran's government.

"One who does not is Shabtai Shavit, who ran Israel's legendary spy service, the Mossad, from 1989-96. Shavit, who's now a security consultant, says the notion of Iranians overthrowing the regime in the wake of an Israeli strike is a fantasy.

"Still, Shavit agrees with Amir that Israel must not assume that the regime will act rationally. "We have to make our decisions according to the worst-case scenario: They're going to have the bomb," Shavit says. "They're going to pursue … an unrational way and they're going to use the bomb. If this is the case, then I don't have any other choice but to pre-empt it."

"Amir says his Iranian callers believe Israel has an obligation to act.

"Their message, he says, is rooted in history. "They claim the Israelis and the Jews have a historical debt to the Iranians because, 2,000 years ago, Cyrus the Great came, freed Jews from Babylon and he sent them back to their country to build again their homeland ... Iranian listeners say, now that's the time you pay us back. Please come and help us to get rid of this regime."

Read article in full


  1. I really don't think it's right for Amir to claim that he speaks for most Iranians, this article is strictly unreliable. Every single Iranian I have spoken with is staunchly against an Israeli attack on Iran, as much as they hate their current government. Amir has no proof whatsoever that most Iranians would actually support such a heinous attack, which would undoubtedly result in innocent lives being completely destroyed.

  2. Hi Esra'a
    Of course Amir can't speak for 70 million Iranians, he hasn't asked them all. But he speaks to Iranians every week on his radio show which leads him to conclude that there are probably more who support an attack than you might think.

  3. But that is an extremely absurd claim to make. Of course when he speaks to the few Iranians appearing on his show, which like every show has its agenda and biases, he would pick and choose whom to speak with. And he would pick the very few who would support such an attack, likely Iranians who don't live there anymore, and who obviously don't understand the horrific impact of such an attack.

    So no, the majority of Iranians do not support an attack on Iran. You are talking about their lives, their country, their families here. I am originally Iranian and I find such an assumption to be entirely deplorable, as much as I am against the IRI. My entire extended family in Iran feel the same way. Amir doesn't speak for me, nor my family, nor any of my Iranian friends and colleagues, who number in the hundreds.

    It is quite depressing to see such violence promoted on this blog, and to allow people to speak on our behalf claiming that they speak for the majority! It is easy for you to make such a claim when you would never be amongst the millions of innocent victims should such an attack occur.

    Again, Amir's claim is nothing but biased, and a cheap way to justify a corrupt political ideology. He doesn't represent any Iranians.

  4. Esra'a said, "such a heinous attack, which would undoubtedly result in innocent lives being completely destroyed."

    You're talking nonsense. Any Israeli attack would likely target the nuclear facilities only, attempting to minimise loss of life.

  5. Esra'a wrote, "It is easy for you to make such a claim when you would never be amongst the millions of innocent victims."

    Esra'a, are you a propagandist for ImADamnNutJob's regime?

    Except for Iranian propaganda, there have been no suggestions that Israel would want or attempt to cause "millions" of victims. All indications thus far are that Israel's targets would be nuclear development infrastructure only.

  6. Esra'a
    I have changed the headline in case it was causing confusion.
    This blog does not promote violence, it is simply reporting the CBS News piece. This quotes Amir's opinion based on the sample of Iranian listeners he has. What he says is not scientific, it is not gospel truth and the piece also quotes someone with a contradictory view.

  7. You are utterly naive, Philo-Semite:

    "All indications thus far are that Israel's targets would be nuclear development infrastructure only."

    IDF officials said the same thing when they attacked Lebanon, yet hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed, many claim that it was done delibrately, including PREVIOUS Israeli security officials, who now have the decency and ethical standards to step down from such positions.

    Soldiers themselves admit crimes within the IDF, try to educate yourself instead of resorting to pitiful insults:

    Therefore, this whole garbage talk about Israel being innocent agents of peace whose mere targets are nuclear facilities is nothing but repetitive propaganda from Israeli trash sites and irrelevant sources. We have real soldiers stating otherwise, as well as claims by dozens of Israelis denying involvement with the IDF because of the military's constant immoral activities.

    Have some standards, and some common sense. An attack on Iran would be disasterous, and we will never approve of it, EVER.

    You can stay here and argue the opposite amongst your ill-informed self, I am done with this thread, and with the racism of right-wing fatheads.

  8. esra You are nothing but a mouth piece for leader of lies and all his LITTLE croneys. Once upon a time there was a very powerful man on earth in Eygpt who thought he was powerful, wise, wealthy and had controll he forgot he was only flesh and blood as you are as well. The Omnipotent One gave him and HIS little croneys a chance and the pharoh paid a very heavy price YOU esra and your evil propaganda is soon to catch up with YOU and ALL who are like you, get ready.

  9. Hi I'm an Iranian who loves Israel please give me links ,(i did for you before)
