Thursday, November 02, 2006

Jerusalem meeting 'an outstanding success'

By all standards, the Oct. 22-23, 2006 launch of the International Rights and Redress Campaign was an outstanding success, according to JJAC director Stan Urman.

Participation: Participating in the launch of the International Rights and Redress Campaign were some forty leaders from Diaspora Jewish communities, representing 10 countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Israel . Photos from the conference are online .

Support of the Government of Israel:Justice Minister Meir Sheetrit assured delegates of the Israeli Government's support for the international registration effort. "I pledge here to finance and reactivate a serious unit within the Justice Ministry to help in the global effort of recording the history and culture of our own dispossessed Jewish people, and to document their claims no less than the well-known claims of the Palestinians," he declared.

Financial Support: Minister Sheetrit affirmed that funding would be made available to conduct the registration campaign in Israel. In response to a question as to the level and extent of funding to be provided by the Ministry of Justice, the Minister responded: "As much as is needed for as long as it takes".

The Jewish Agency has agreed to match the Government's funding, thereby ensuring adequate resources to run a successful registration campaign in Israel.

Media Coverage: Over 25 news media outlets - both television and print - participated in the Press Conference with Minister Sheetrit. The event generated significant media coverage in Israel, Europe and in the US.

Follow Up: Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) has been requested by the Ministry of Justice to prepare a Business Plan; and then JJAC will be contracted to direct the implementation of the registration campaign in Israel.

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