Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A 'minyan' at Alexandria synagogue

There was a minyan at Alexandria's Eliyahu Hanavi synagogue for Rosh Hashana this year. But the Jews of Egypt belong in the past, according to JTA News.

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Sept. 25 (JTA) — During this year’s Rosh Hashanah evening service at the grand Eliahou Hanabi Synagogue, a short walk from the Mediterranean Sea here, all eyes turn toward the three foreign visitors who are making their way quietly to the front.

Word spreads quickly in the women’s half of the synagogue: “We have a minyan,” a couple of elegantly dressed ladies whisper excitedly to one another.

Here in this coastal city known for its cosmopolitan flair, where only four Jewish men and 27 Jewish women remain, the prospect of having 10 males at a New Year’s service is always a reason to celebrate.

Read article in full

1 comment:

  1. Iranian Jews shape Israeli military policy abroad (subscription required):

