Friday, June 30, 2006

Iranian Jews turn to showbusiness

LOS ANGELES, June 28 (JTA) —The generation of Persian Jews who escaped Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution with their parents and traded a fearful existence for lives in New York and Los Angeles are now emerging in the entertainment industry, JTA News reports. (With thanks: Albert)

Whether it’s producing Oscar-winning films, appearing on prime-time network television series or performing stand-up comedy, young Jews of Iranian heritage have been breaking with their community’s traditional norms and leaving their imprint on Hollywood.

Perhaps the most notable success came earlier this year when Iranian Jewish film producer Bob Yari’s independent film “Crash” won the Best Picture Oscar and generated $93 million in worldwide sales.

“I had a gut feeling that it would be something special but you never know, so I was hoping and my hopes came to fruition,” said Yari, 44, whose four production companies have backed 25 films in three years. (...)

“I’m always interested in telling stories that I think touch people and mean something to people,” he said. “One of the things that’s always attracted me to film is its power to influence people to put aside their prejudices or judging people based on their heritage or color of skin.”

Yari is not the only Iranian Jew doing well in Hollywood. Nightclub and hotel entrepreneur Sam Nazarian, 30, is financing and producing films through his L.A.-based SBE Entertainment Group.

His production company Element Films has produced five films so far and anticipates producing up to a dozen a year, each budgeted at less than $15 million, according to the Internet Movie Database Web site.

Young Iranian Jews also have been writing and directing independent features. Prior to forming her own production company, Azita Zendel worked for four years as an executive assistant to Oliver Stone and collaborated with him on films including “JFK,” “Nixon” and “Natural Born Killers.” (...)

Some Iranian Jewish filmmakers are trying to parlay their success to tell their own cultural narratives. Soly Haim, a Los Angeles-based independent producer, is seeking financing for a documentary about how Iranian Jews helped Jews flee Iraq in the middle of the 20th century.

“Documentaries are hard to get financing for because, unlike films, documentaries usually go for television broadcasts, and the revenues generated do not match the revenues generated from feature films,” said Haim, 44. (...)

Yari, for his part, said he’s looking to develop a feature film about the events that led to the 1979 Iranian revolution and the collapse of the shah’s regime.

Read article in full


  1. Iranian Jews oppose Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip:,7340,L-3270024,00.html

  2. Iranian Jews don't recognize the State of Israel:


    A book by Bruce Bawer, "While Europe Slept", is a more in-depth look at the mindset that we are contending with. Instead of the west responding with one voice to the Islamofascists, we are neutered by the Kumbaya chorus out of the EU and the UN. How do these institutions affect US citizens. The Liberal Elite thirst for approval from the members of these two organizations.

    I am utterly amazed at the lack of understanding the Lefties have of the Islamists. They seem to be willfully blind. Wakie, Wakie! The Islamofascists are using you and your moral equivalence doctrine to further entrench themselves in western culture. If you keep expecting the Islamists to stop their hate and voice their love and admiration for liberal democracy and personal liberty, you are deceiving yourselves. OPEN YOUR EYES!

    This is not hysteria. This is reality. They see us as the demons. Not just conservatives. EVERY non-islamist is a demon. It is not a religion of peace. It never, EVER, has been. Read your history. Read about the Jews and Christians and their treatment in these societies both today and over the centuries.

    Look up the terms: dhimmi, jizyah, and taqiyya. Learn. The average Muslim on the streets of Europe believes that the Quran is supreme over the laws of Europe. Research what honor killings are. Research the practice of vaginal mutilation. These people are absolutely devout (insane).

    To claim moral equivalence between Christians and Muslims is absurd. Do you see Christians en masse screaming for blood? Christians demanding death? The truthful answer is no. Madonna is going to desecrate the cruxifiction of Christ in an upcoming event. Christians around the world will be disgusted. But, Christians around the world will not declare a Fatwah on Madonna. It won't happen. Ever!

    Bubba's Pravda
