Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How can antisemitism thrive where there are no Jews?

How can antisemitism be so rampant in Afghanistan when only one Jew still lives there? Scholars have been puzzling this question in this Times of Israel piece. Iranian money has fuelled anti-Israel gimmicks such as Al-Quds Day, but there could also be residual anti-Jewish feeling from the Nazi era. (Contrary to the impression given that Afghan Jews have suffered no prior persecution, this was a time when Jews were expelled from northern cities and in 1935, a pogrom erupted).

Quds Day is held on the last Friday of the Muslim month of Ramadan, which this year fell out on May 31.

“Every year, Sayed Hussain Mazari pays street boys in Kabul to hold a rally celebrating Quds Day,” said Yousufi. Few religious centers in Afghanistan are self-financed or locally funded. Similar to other Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain and Pakistan, many of the Shiite scholars in Afghanistan are bankrolled by Iran.

Yousufi claims that Mazari is among them, though he believes the latter will not publicly acknowledge this. The Islamic Republic of Iran, whose government is outspokenly anti-Israel, also maintains an intelligence presence in Afghanistan and supports groups here that serve its national interests.

Some experts believe Iran might be behind the spread of anti-Semitism within its neighbor to the east as part of an effort to build a united front against the Jewish state. Can it be anti-Semitic if there are no Jews?

 “[The phrase] ‘Death to Israel’ is decidedly anti-Semitic,” said Prof.Shana Sippy, who teaches religious studies at Centre College, a private liberal arts school in Danville, Kentucky. “But there is also a lot of criticism of the Israeli government which isn’t anti-Semitic, and that is part of the challenge.”

 Scholars have long researched sources of anti-Semitism, and have reached a degree of consensus on where it stems from in European countries such as Germany. But in Afghanistan, which is dominated by Islamists and bereft of a Jewish community, understanding anti-Semitism has become something of a challenge. There is currently only one known Jew living in the country.

 Zebulun Simantov, the last Jew in Afghanistan

 “It is puzzling, and scholars have been debating sources of Jew-hatred in countries such as Afghanistan, where it is very unlikely that this [hatred] comes from any experience with Jewish people,” said Dr. Gunther Jikeli, a visiting Jewish studies professor at Indiana University whose research focuses on anti-Semitism.

 “[Moshe Dayan Center senior research fellow] Esther Webman says that Pan-Arab Nationalism and radical Islamist teachings have nurtured not only a hate against Israel, but also against Jews,” Jikeli said. Jikeli says Jew-hatred in Afghanistan may also be a residual effect of propaganda efforts by Nazi Germany during World War II, which included radio programs the regime broadcast to Arabic-speaking countries demonizing Jews.

Nearly 80 years after the Holocaust, Adolf Hitler still enjoys widespread popularity in Afghanistan, and his image is sometimes used in advertisements — including for a public speaking course which touts him as a model orator.

 A common Afghan expression says that Hitler left some Jews alive to remind the world just how noxious they are. “There is also a debate on anti-Jewish elements in Islamic traditions,” Jikeli said.

“For example, [Canadian-Pakistani journalist] Tarek Fatah or [political scientist and professor] Bassam Tibi argue that Islamists misinterpret Islam and endorse anti-Semitic rhetoric.” In private conversation, Afghan religious hardliners compare terrorists with Jews, saying that “even” Jewish people are better than terrorists. And in political spheres, non-Pashtun ethnic groups hypothesize that the Pashtun, Afghanistan’s largest demographic, were originally Jews.

 Dr. Davood Moradian, director of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies, rejects the hypothesis that the Pashtun were once Jews, saying that the theory was developed with a political agenda. While the Pashtun may not descend from Jews, there indeed once flourished a large Jewish community in the central Asian country.

In 2013, researchers discovered rare medieval Jewish documents dating from the 11th to 13th centuries in the caves of Afghanistan’s central Bamyan province. At its peak, the country’s Jewish community is estimated to have been as many as 40,000 strong, though they gradually emigrated over the years. Israel’s creation in 1948 drew most of the Jews that remained. In the 1960s, Afghan Jews left the country en masse, resettling in New York and Tel Aviv after living for centuries in peace and harmony with their Muslim neighbors.

Read article in full


  1. July 31 2019,,

    Why is it even worth mentioning, let alone "surprising", that hatred of "Al Yahud" thrives every where in that dark night of the soul that is called Islam ? Even if no Jews had EVER lived there. If even a handful of us had the normal human instincts to react justifiably against those to whom genocide is {religiously condoned} second nature, we would see their bestial enthusiasm evaporate rapidly. For those who have the will to exterminate bred into their very bones, it can only be open season on them, regardless of where they locate themselves. PROVIDED, WE, AS THEIR TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY, CARRY OUT OUR ACTS OF SELF PRESERVATION within the rule of law & the local ordinances setting the limits of peaceful protest, lawful assembly & our natural rights to self defense. The same applies to those who aid & abet THEM {their dhimmis} regardless of THEIR origins or proffered motives for doing so. OUR addiction to useless words, petitions, sanctimonious "advocacy" & "what nice people we are" dialogue, will only convince our enemies that we are "naked to our enemies" by choice. Please GOOGLE: {1}Norman L. Roth {2} Norman L. Roth, Technnological Time

  2. There is a theory that the Pathans/Pashtun are descended from the Ten Lost Tribes that were in part settled in what is now Afghanistan. There are several pieces of evidence cited but I do not have time to go into them.

  3. This article surprises me. I've read several articles on Afghan jews living in Israel and they insist they had no problem with anti-Semitism in Afghanistan and they did not flee to Israel.

  4. See Wikipedia for details ion the persecution of the 1930s:
